Through the triple bottom line analysis of hemp, it is determined that there are many advantages of hemp; in particular, hempcrete. The advantages are numerous and outweigh the disadvantages in each assessment. The material is environmentally friendly, is high yielding, grows rapidly, fully recyclable, provides a healthy living environment, and is durable and strong. Regarding the new SUB project, walls, floors, and roofs could be constructed from hempcrete, supported by a structural framework made from concrete, steel, or timber. The material provides a comfortable living space, and the operating costs of the building would be effectively reduced through decreased heating and cooling costs.
Source Reference:
An Investigation Into The Use Of Linoleum and Hemp In The New SUB:
A Triple Bottom Line Assessment
Submitted to: Carla Paterson
Date: March 31,2011
Completed By: Kevin Bergen, Keenan Moe, Lekuku Lets, Lucy Li