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Hemp houses could be greener, fire-resistant, and built like Lego

Jun. 13, 2019

“The green nubs on these hempcrete blocks make them looks like giant Lego pieces, and that’s how they fit together. The product is sustainable, carbon negative and a quicker build than using concrete, says Just BioFiber.”


Construction complete on sustainable Lego-inspired home

Oct. 25, 2018

“A Vancouver Island home built using cutting-edge green technology is now move-in ready.

It’s called the “Harmless Home,” and the exterior walls are constructed out of Lego-like building blocks, made essentially of compressed hemp, lime and water.

Now, it’s being hailed as the most sustainable, safest and most energy-efficient house possible.

Home owner, Arno Keinonen recently settled in.

“We are very happy with the end result,” he said.

The product itself is being manufactured in Calgary. It doesn’t mould and is virtually fire-resistant.

“We heat it up to over 1,500 degrees…” – Global News Calgary (Continued in the Article)

New Business Profile: Just Biofiber

Oct. 2018

“Just Biofiber opened their doors in late this summer at 143 East Lake Blvd. Just Biofiber develops and manufactures sustainable structural building systems for commercial, residential and institutional buildings from natural biological materials. Their business has a vision to make the world sustainable and enhance the quality of life for all living things.”

Construction underway for fully off-the-grid commercial development in Kelowna

Sep. 25, 2018

Dazed and … Constructed? How Hemp Could Alter Material Selections in Architecture

Feb. 8, 2018

For architects and clients seeking a structural material, Calgary, Canada–based JustBioFiber offers a hemp-based modular block for load-bearing wall construction. The Super SSR Block exhibits a compressive strength of more than 5,800 psi, which compares favorably to the range of 1740 psi to 3045 psi typical for CMUs. Additionally, the product is an excellent insulator and is highly fire-resistant with over a one-hour rating. Super SSR Block also has high thermal mass, can regulate temperature and humidity, is breathable, and resists mold and pests.

Centuries old, hemp grows in popularity for home building

Feb. 4, 2018


“The Romans have been using it since the days of Julius Caesar, but not to get high. Both Washington and Jefferson grew it.

 Now that several states have legalized the use of marijuana for some recreational and medical purposes, one of the biggest untapped markets for the cannabis plant itself — at least one variety — could be as a build…” – Las Vegas Sun (Continued in the article)

New York Times – There’s No Place Like Home

“Russians sorting raw hemp fibers in the Kursk region in the 1960s. Hemp has been used as building material for millennia in Europe and elsewhere, but it’s only just starting to get wider recognition as a green construction option.”